Do away with unnecessary and outmoded paper tickets.

Give your kitchen the power to track tickets and complete orders - easily, and on time. Check Spindle provides modern kitchen solutions to help inform your decision making in the kitchen.

Here's How Check Spindle Works

Step 1 - Receive a ticket

Check Spindle - How It Works
Your Point Of Sale unit will send a digital ticket to the Check Spindle display, showing you all the orders you have received from the front of the house.

Step 2 - Prepare the order

Check Spindle - How It Works
Just like with a paper ticket you receive from the wait staff, the cooking staff will prepare all the orders for the customers.

Step 3 - Swipe down

Check Spindle - How It Works
Swipe down to clear the ticket when the order is prepared. Now the food can go out to hungry diners, and the next order can be prepared.

Why Choose Check Spindle?

Check Spindle

Eliminate your loud and cumbersome paper ticket

With Check Spindle, you won't have to deal with paper tickets anymore. Digitized tickets are our modern solution to all of your kitchen's needs.

Check Spindle
No more hassle with paper tickets

The simple user interfaces of our products, as well its similarity to real tickets on a rail, make it familiar and easy for your kitchen staff to use.

Check Spindle
Focus entirely on cooking

The kitchen is for cooking, so we want you to be able to do that.

Check Spindle

Improve Kitchen Control

We believe in strong kitchen control as a trait for a successful restaurant. That's why at Check Spindle, our products provide precision and efficiency to the kitchen with our modernized solutions.

Check Spindle
Don't miss an order

All orders appear on the display in order. If an order is accidentally bumped, it still remains on the system.

Check Spindle
Increase your kitchen output

With less attention towards ticket management, more attention can be put towards putting food out.

Check Spindle

Time Orders Better

The kitchen staff will be better able to coordinate with one another because of the multiple displays at each station.

Check Spindle
Synchronize with your kitchen staff.
Check Spindle
Get food out sooner.

How To Get Our Product In Your Restaurant

Check Spindle
1) Learn More About Us

We are a small business enthusiastic about making the flow of a kitchen more efficient with a simple virtual display.

Check Spindle
2) Contact Us

Let's get to know you and your restaurant. Drop us your information and we can see how we can enhance your kitchen.

Check Spindle
3) Kickstart

Kickstart your new kitchen operations with a free Check Spindle demo!